1841 Census for Wilmslow & Congleton


These extracts were kindly contributed by Beth Young and we send our sincere thanks to her for

sharing this information with all HANKINSON searchers worldwide and her supporting comments.


“I am gradually transcribing my notes on Hankinsons and will contribute what I have as I finish, for other Hankinson researchers.  Here is what I have from the 1841 Censuses for Wilmslow and Congleton in Cheshire.  (Cannot guarantee completeness or accuracy-some was illegible).  The one family I found in Congleton is mine, but husband William is missing.  (He was definitely alive as he had another son 6 years later) 

                  Beth Young


Wilmslow 1841 Census FHL film no 241246


Stockport district      


Folly                 William  H/Wankins(on)            30        Carter                          N (Not born in Chester)

                        Alice/Ann                                40        wife(Wife was crossed out on original) N


Kes?er? St        Joseph Handkison???               68         Agent                          I ?

                        Sarah                                      60                                            Y




Wilmslow Parish Town of Bollinfee


Dare ____ Spinden??? Joseph Hankinson         40        Farmer                        Y

                                                Ann                             40                                Y

                                                Mary                           9/2?                             Y


Dean row lane                           John Hankinson            45 Taner and Farmer    Y

                                                Magret                        35                                Y

                                                Mary                           7                                  Y

                                                Ellen                            2                                  Y

                                                John                            5 mo                             Y

                                                Mary Hankinson            80        Ind.                  Y


Congleton Census 1841 FHL film no 241249


County of Chester, Northwich, Parish-Astbury, Chapelry of Congleton


Westfield ??                            Harriet Hankinson        25        Milliner                        Y

                                                John                             1                                   Y

                                                Catherine Stubbs          15         FJ                    Y